Welsh Language Complaints Policy


This Policy has been developed to meet the requirements of the Welsh Language Standards as included in the Compliance Notice issued to National Theatre Wales (NTW) on 25 July 2016 under Section 44 of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011.

NTW is committed to dealing effectively with any concerns or complaints members of the public may have about our compliance with the standards. If possible, we’ll put right any mistakes we have made and if we have failed to provide a service the complainant should have received, we will provide it, if that’s still possible.

If we got something wrong we’ll apologise and, where possible, try to put things right. We aim to learn from our mistakes and use the feedback we gain to improve our services.


This Policy explains how NTW will deal with complaints relating to our compliance with the Service Delivery, Policy Making and Operational standards with which we are under a duty to comply.

1. Procedure

1.1 A complaint can be registered by:

  • Emailadmin@nationaltheatrewales.org
  • Call – +44 (0)29 2252 8171
  • Letter – National Theatre Wales, Tramshed Tech, Unit D, Pendyris St, Cardiff, CF11 6BH
  • Informing any member of staff that they wish to make a complaint

1.2 We will deal with all complaints openly and honestly. The company will be responsible for acknowledging complaints within 5 working days informing the complainant how we intend to deal with the issue.

1.3 If there is a simple solution to the complaint we may ask if the complainant is happy to accept this for a quick resolution to the matter.

1.4 If a more formal investigation is needed the company will take responsibility for this and will first aim to establish the facts, if we have failed to provide a service the complainant should have received, we will provide it if that’s still possible, and if we didn’t do something well, we’ll aim to put it right.

1.5 We will aim to resolve concerns and complaints as quickly as possible and expect to deal with the vast majority within 10 working days of acknowledgement. In more complex cases where a review of our current processes is required, we will inform complainants within this timescale if the investigation is likely to take longer than 10 days, advise on new timescales and update on progress to date.

2. Putting things right

2.1 If we find that an error was made or that there are faults within our systems or policies, we will explain the situation in relation to the complaint and explain what actions we plan to take to avoid similar situations arising in future – This could include additional training for staff or revising policies and procedures.

2.2 We will apologise if we got it wrong.

3. Record keeping and reporting

3.1 We will keep a record, in relation to each financial year, of the number of complaints we receive relating to our compliance with the standards.

3.2 Copies of all written complaints we receive that relate to our compliance with the standards with which we are under a duty to comply will be kept and we will also keep a copy of any written complaint that we receive that relates to the Welsh language (whether or not that complaint relates to the standards with which we are under a duty to comply).

3.3 All complaints received, and any resulting corrective actions taken will be reported to the Executive team.

3.4 We will provide the Welsh Language Commissioner with an annual report which will include the number of complaints received during the year related to our compliance with the Service Delivery, Policy Making and Operational standards with which we are under a duty to comply.

4. Training

4.1 All staff will be made aware of this policy either through briefing sessions or the induction process for new staff.

4.2 Where relevant, key staff will also receive in-depth briefing sessions in relation to this policy and in dealing with Welsh language complaints.

5. Review

5.1 This policy will be reviewed every year, or in response to changes in legislation, regulatory guidance, good practice or changes in the Welsh Language Standards as included in the Compliance Notice issued to NTW.

Review date: May each year