About Making Theatre in a Time of Climate Crisis

This is your opportunity to attend a UK sector-wide conversation about making theatre in the context of a climate crisis, using the principles of the Theatre Green Book. Hosted by the National Theatre, National Theatre of Scotland and National Theatre Wales.

Bringing together Directors and Artistic Directors from across the UK, the meeting will focus on the collective challenge and responsibility faced when planning productions with the green agenda at their heart. The aim is that this will be the largest ever meeting of Directors, Artistic Directors and freelance directors from across the British Isles.

Many theatres are already committing to the Theatre Green Book, with pledges being made for all productions to meet Green Book standards in the coming years. A growing number of venues and organisations are adopting the standards as a matter of policy, and it will soon not be possible to opt out of the standards when making work.

In this meeting delegates will interrogate how they, as the leaders of productions made across the nations, can guide their teams to make these standards work: to provoke and develop their artistic and ethical practices.

The day’s purpose is to make an impact on the sector: to reflect on the issues we face and to respond by creating actionable asks.