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Yn y nesaf yn ein cyfres 'Cwrdd â'r Dramaydd', fe wnaethon ni ddal i fyny gyda dramaydd Feral Monster Jennifer Lunn

Mae Jen yn awdur, dramaydd, cyfarwyddwr a chynhyrchydd. Cafodd ei drama a enillodd ddwy wobr, Es & Flo ei chynhyrchu gan Ganolfan Mileniwm Cymru yn 2023, trosglwyddodd i'r Kiln Theatre yn Llundain ac mae wedi ennill enwebiad iddi ar gyfer gwobr Awdur Gorau Cychwynnol The Stage. Mae ganddi angerdd am waith newydd, queer, Cymreig ac am wneud gwaith gyda phobl ifanc ac ar eu cyfer.

Eisteddon ni i lawr i gael gwybod mwy am Jen, ei dull a'r hyn y mae'n edrych ymlaen ato yn Feral Monster

Beth wyt ti'n ei weld fel rôl dramaydd mewn proses greadigol?

The exact role of a dramaturg can vary hugely from project to project – sometimes working closely with a writer to dissect and finesse the script, sometimes supporting directors or designers as they work to realise a show.

Fundamentally, the dramaturg is there to ask questions of the creative team, to help clarify, expand and enhance the production. They’re always thinking about how the audience is going to experience the work and what the team could do to make that experience the best it can be.

Beth yw dy ddull o ran dramayddiaeth?

My approach is one of curiosity and collaboration. I try to imagine myself as different potential audience members and really interrogate how we can create shows that enchant and challenge them in all the right ways.

I see myself as an outside pair of eyes checking whether the team is communicating everything they want to through the writing, the design and the performance. I ask a lot of questions, celebrate what really works and help to fine-tune the bits that could be clearer. And I bring biscuits – which really help!

Beth wnaeth dy ddenu i weithio ar Feral Monster?

Feral Monster brings together so many of my passions – telling queer stories, exploring the experiences of young people and looking at how our brains make us behave… Plus it’s a musical!! I’m a huge fan of both Bethan Marlow and Izzy Rabey, so this is a bit of a dream job and I can’t wait to be in the room with everyone bringing this incredible show to life.

Other recent projects of Jen’s include producing Sorter for Grand Ambition in Swansea and Robin Hood the Rock and Roll Panto for Theatr Clwyd, writing and directing plays for RWCMD’s Young Actor’s Studio, and writing Terroir for Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama’s NEW:21 Season.

With thanks to ​​the John Ellerman Foundation for their support for NTWs’ Associate Dramaturgs project, which matches dramaturgs with our projects happening in 2023-2024.